Licensed Childcare Program in BC, Canada
Understanding all the benefits of PLAY and the important role childcare providers play, we wanted to offer a 20% off special discount* for LICENSED childcare providers in BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA to bring the KiiCo Play Couch into their licensed childcare facilities!
Please make sure to read through all the details below to determine your eligibility as failure to do so will result in a canceled order and subjected to a 10% processing fee.
If you meet the criteria and would like to order a KiiCo Play Couch for your licensed childcare, please send an email to with subject "Licensed Childcare Program" with the following info:
1. Name & Address of your Licensed Childcare in British Columbia, Canada
2. Operator's Full Name
3. Color of play couch you are interested in
Once we verify your eligibility, you will receive a link to complete your purchase with the discount already applied!
We are SO excited to see KiiCo Play Couches extend into childcares and all the fun and open-ended play opportunities it will bring!